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Trust (verb): To believe in the reliability, ability, or strength of someone or something.

Hebrews 10:22 (NIV) - " let us draw near to God with a sincere heart and with the full assurance that faith brings, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water.”

Romans 8:18 (NIV) - “ I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.”

Psalm 33:11 (NIV) - “But the plans of the Lord stand firm forever, the purposes of his heart through all generations.”


Happy Candle Lit Friday friends. Thank you for watching and reading. Have a good weekend ❤️


Something in me transformed over the summer of 2022. Something in me snapped out of it. By September 2022, my mind was clear. My awareness was heightened and it was as if my eyes were wide opened. Life became vivid. Something was different about my perspective. The air felt as if it had been flipped inside out. I heard conversations and chatter differently. I understand now from a heightened spiritually aware perspective.


Alright, because I’m being real with you, let’s address the issue that people will come into your life to steal and dim your light. But, the other very true and real news is that we have the power to guard our hearts and protect the light within us!

This is something that God has been showing me in regards to my willingness to give people the benefit of doubt, unnecessarily. I’ve came to fully understand that not everyone deserves to know my goals, visions, and be in my presence. I don’t mean it in an arrogant way, but let’s address it; the reality is that not everyone is or will be happy for me nor my journey. Everyone has their healing to do and when others aren’t willing to do their own work, they will allow themselves to be used to project personal or generational insecurities, plant seeds of doubt and attempt to deposit their darkness into you. Here’s what I’ve learned from 2022 alone😪:

Always examine people deeper than their “cover”, what / who they project to be. (Social media especially) and more than what they say they would never do.

Pay attention to a persons common theme of conversation-(negative, shady and destructive thought patterns?🤔)

Observe behavior response patterns in all types of situations. And especially when you tell them about something you want to accomplish.

Examine your own moods and body when around certain people and even after an encounter with them.

Examine a person’s body language towards you when they become upset, angry or insecure.

Be mindful of the way a person treats you after you set a healthy boundary/ when they can no longer take/benefit something from you.


Be mindful of how they treat you even after they think that they are benefitting from you or that they are having control over your kindness and pursuits.

How do they treat you when around others they say they care about, compared to the way you are treated secretly? (This question can be looked at from several perspectives)

Look beyond their “cover”. Examine what’s on the inside. If you find there’s nothing there, please realize that you don’t have to carry them around with you. Refresh your list of goals and visions, and protect them. Free yourself and watch God show His power on your behalf. ❤️

Happy Candle Lit Friday, and have a good weekend.

-Fatimah Simmons ❤️

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