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The C.L.P Blog

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Sticking with candle making and writing ✍️ has truly been a journey for me, and this is just the beginning! I realized that this is not something that I decided on by my own will, but by God's direction. I was even said to have been "terminated" from a highly stressful, chaotic and dysfunctional job that I actually walked away from due to being ruthlessly bullied by an older woman 🥴

Again, if there is some venture that you have been constantly thinking to pursue and everything else is falling apart, then there must be a blessing / calling in it. Do it! Your gifts will make room for you.



There's purpose in your passions. The more you do it the greater it will grow. ❤️

When God has placed something on your heart to do make sure that your are aware of what you’re doing with it . What are you doing to nurture that thing? Are the people you are around nurturing that thing that He keeps tugging at your spirit strings to do? Are the place you walk to contributing to the nurturing of that thing God is telling you to do? Are the things you eat (listening to watching entertaining ) contributing to that thing that God is say “Go. And Do”?  There’s anointing in momentum and if He leading you to it, there’s a blessing in it . But you have to be mindful of what you’re doing , otherwise it will be wasted and you wont be able to fully receive it because you aren’t paying attention to what you’re doing. Don’t move what God has put inside of you to the side in order to make room for the things that are not your concern.



After a night of rain, comes a lifetime of sunshines.

Give yourself permission to gently relax, destress, unwind.

Regardless of how stressful today looks for you,

always remember

that your situation will improve in divine timing.

-Fatimah Simmons


As my business grows and I continue learning, I will be sharing more videos and speaking about my background, my business and sharing my writings along with my candle making journey. Keep coming back for more. Thank you for spending part of your Candle Lit Friday with me !

What’s something that you would like for me to share or talk with you about on Candle Lit Fridays? Feel free to leave a comment on this blog post or direct message me on Instagram

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